Jay Forshey, Preseident

Dear Members,

It's hard to believe we are already in late August. It seems the summer months are just flying by. I hope all of you have been able to take some time off and enjoy the summer.

I'm excited to serve as your OWSA President and look forward to sharing the board's journey with you over the next two years. Together, we'll build an avenue for dialog and an oppurtunity for you to share your thoughts, ideas, or innovations. We will be bringing our message to you through our quarterly newsletter, email blast, and of course our annual training conference. OWSA can be and has been a voice in its membership's field of expertise. We have an opportunity to build upon our succeses of previous years.

I want to welcome your new board members (Bernie Kelly, President Elect & Roni Burkes, Secretary) and thank them for their commitment and contribution to OWSA.

I also want to fully express how appreciative I am of the time and dedication commited by each of the standing board members (mark Saunders, Executive Director, Robert Welch, Past President, Jeff Noble, Sgt. at Arms, and Todd Mizer, Treasurer). In addition to you board members, I must give special acknowledgement to Kelly Riehle who serves as the board's creative organizer of special projects. Thanks Kelly.

Once again, I am honered to serve as your organization's president.

Jay Forshey OWSA President


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OWSA P.O. Box 191 Cadiz, OH 43907
Webpages Designed by Bradley Roberts